
Independent Living Program

The Independent Living Program (ILP) provides workshops and one-on-one guidance and support services through case management to help you prepare for independence. Our goal is to help you learn and experience the independent living skills necessary for adulthood.

Who is eligible?
– Youth in foster care ages 16-21
– Youth formally in foster care with housing vouchers ages 21-25

– Fun and interesting workshops on daily living, relationships, education and careers
– Incentives for attending and participating in the workshops
– One-on-one assistance with self sufficiency planning including housing, college and career decisions
– Housing stabilization funding for youth
– Special annual events that feature fun, hands-on learning

See Below for Workshop Dates

Register Below

-September 26th: Sexually Transmitted Infections w/Planned Parenthood
In Person

-October 1st: Birth Control Methods w/Planned Parenthood
In Person

-October 8th: Theater Improve w/Cassin Promise
In Person

-October 17th: Careers with John Wayne Airport
In Person

Enrichment Funds
Apply Here

Questions? Contact, Gerardo Marquez at gmarquez@orangewoodfoundation.org