
About Us

Who We Are

Orangewood Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (Fed’l tax ID #95-3616628) and one of the leading providers of services to youth in Orange County. We help almost 2,000 youth annually prepare for independent adulthood.

The “Orangewood Way” recognizes that our relationship with our youth is one of collaboration and partnership. Our staff work one-on-one with our youth to help them identify their own strengths, attributes, and aptitudes to empower them to overcome their challenges and reach their greatest potential. Our staff work with youth in four critical areas: health & wellness, housing, life skills & employment, and education. We meet a broad array of needs: from groceries and a hot meal, to transitional housing, to life skills workshops and employment leads, to our innovative Samueli Academy public charter school and scholarships for college and graduate school.

books icon orange Click here to view our Orangewood Foundation Services for Youth brochure.

Click here to read our 2024 Annual Report

Beyond our programs, for thousands of youth in our community Orangewood means “support,” “opportunity” and “hope.”